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Our range of antiques and vintage objects is carefully curated with an emphasis on quality and uniqueness to bring the Livinta aesthetic into your home. We love telling stories with selected vintage objects that add quirky charm and a timeless ambience to any room.

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453 products


Sold outPainting Oil on Canvas - Country StylePainting Oil on Canvas - Country Style
Seltenes Coca Cola Werbeschild Pappe 50er 60er JahreSeltenes Coca Cola Werbeschild Pappe 50er 60er Jahre
Original Gateleg Table from England around 1900
Kosta Boda Teller aus Glas Sunflower Design 1970er JahreKosta Boda Dessert-Teller (6 Stk) aus Glas Sunflower Design 1970er Jahre
Small pastel-colored oil painting on wooden panelSmall pastel-colored oil painting on wooden panel
English mahogany chest of drawers with shell handlesEnglish mahogany chest of drawers with shell handles
Kleines stimmungsvolles Ölgemälde auf Holzplatte Windmühle K DingemansRückseite Ölgemälde
Kleines stimmungsvolles Ölgemälde auf Holzplatte Windmühle K DingemansSmall atmospheric oil painting on wooden panel Belgium
Save 50%Vintage Keramik Deckeldose MidCentury DesignVintage Keramik Deckeldose MidCentury Design
Vintage Ceramic Lidded Jar MidCentury Design Sale price€19,50 Regular price€39,00
Antike Jaraso Personenwaage aus Gusseisen grün 1920Antike Jaraso Spiegelwaage /Personenwaage aus Gusseisen mintgrün um 1920
Sold outVintage Pop Art Vase v. Hutschenreuther Orange 70er JahreSignatur Vintage Pop Art Vase v. Hutschenreuther Orange 70er Jahre
Vintage Peill & Putzler hanging lamp Patmos 1970s
MidCentury wall relief made of ceramic Brutalist Design 1967MidCentury wall relief made of ceramic Brutalist Design 1967
MidCentury kidney-shaped ashtray by Bay Dekor Tosca 1955MidCentury kidney-shaped ashtray by Bay Dekor Tosca 1955
Sold outRosenthal Studio-Line Candlestick Yang 80sRosenthal Studio-Line Candlestick Yang 80s
MidCentury Schale aus Keramik von Jean Austruy Frankreich Vintage 1960er JahreMidCentury Schale aus Keramik von Jean Austruy Frankreich Vintage 1960er Jahre
Original copper engraving Costumes Parisiens 1804Original copper engraving Costumes Parisiens 1804
Sold outMidCentury Kluk Kluk carafe from HolmegaardMidCentury Kluk Kluk carafe from Holmegaard
Sold outVintage 1980s Mickey Unlimited Dungarees Jeans USA Size SMVintage 1980s Mickey Unlimited Dungarees Jeans USA Size SM
Vintage Monet Ohrclips gold 1960s USAVintage Monet Ohrclips gold 1960s USA
Vintage Stud Earrings Spinning Top AVON 1980sVintage Stud Earrings Spinning Top AVON 1980s
Vintage Lisner Brosche goldene Feder 1960s USAVintage Lisner Brosche goldene Feder 1960s USA
Vintage Anne Klein Ohrstecker Kugeln 1980sVintage Anne Klein Ohrstecker Kugeln 1980s
Vintage Trifari Schmuckset Brosche und Ohrclips 1960er USAVintage Trifari Schmuckset Brosche und Ohrclips 1960er USA
Vintage Marvella Ohrclips mit abhängender Perle USA 1980sVintage Marvella Ohrclips mit abhängender Perle USA 1980s
Runde Vintage Ohrclips mit Stein 1980s USARunde Vintage Ohrclips mit Stein 1980s USA
Vintage Trifari Brosche Schweif USA 1960sVintage Trifari Brosche Schweif USA 1960s
Vintage Anne Klein Ohrstecker hängend 1980sVintage Anne Klein Ohrstecker hängend 1980s
Vintage Avon Ohrstecker Herzen 1980er JahreVintage Avon Ohrstecker Herzen 1980er Jahre
Vintage Sarah Coventry Schmuckset Brosche und Ohrclips Radiance 1964Vintage Sarah Coventry Schmuckset Brosche und Ohrclips Radiance 1964
Vintage Monet Brosche Bamboo 1980sVintage Monet Brosche Bamboo 1980s
Große Vintage Ohrclips Emaille 1980sGroße Vintage Ohrclips Emaille 1980s
Sold outVintage Trifari Ohrstecker mit Strass Gala 1970sVintage Trifari Ohrstecker mit Strass Gala 1970s
Sold outAntique Stone Horse Dala HorseAntique Stone Horse Dala Horse
Save 30%Rustic wooden candlestick IndiaRustic wooden candlestick India
Rustic wooden candlestick India Sale price€55,00 Regular price€79,00
Save 24%Antique spice jar bay leavesAntique spice jar bay leaves
Antique spice jar bay leaves Sale price€29,50 Regular price€39,00
Sold outSave 45%Danish Design Teakholz Lampen 2er SetDanish Design Teakholz Lampen 2er Set
Danish Design Teak Lamps Set of 2 Sale price€175,00 Regular price€320,00
Sold outVintage Spielplatz-Schild MidCentury Max & MoritzVintage Spielplatz-Schild MidCentury Max & Moritz
Antike Metall-Hanteln aus Eisen (2er Set)Antike Metall-Hanteln aus Eisen (2er Set)
Sold outSave 29%Vintage Bahn-Signal Original SchaffnerkelleVintage Bahn-Signal Original Schaffnerkelle
Vintage Railway Signal Original Conductor's Ladle Sale price€32,00 Regular price€45,00
Sold outVintage slate boards set of 3 around 1920Vintage slate boards set of 3 around 1920
Sold outVintage Kokeshi Dolls 50s 60s JapanVintage Kokeshi Dolls 50s 60s Japan
Vintage Kokeshi Dolls 50s 60s Japan Sale priceFrom €58,00
Sold outLarge vintage wooden abacusLarge vintage wooden abacus
Large vintage wooden abacus Sale price€39,00
Vintage jewelry set Seashells v. Trifari USA 1980sVintage jewelry set Seashells v. Trifari USA 1980s
Art Deco rhinestone brooch 1920sArt Deco rhinestone brooch 1920s
Memoboard Toile de Jouy in Brocante styleMemoboard Toile de Jouy in Brocante style
Cigarette Cards Portraits Junk Journal Kit 1933Cigarette Cards Portraits Junk Journal Kit 1933
Vintage ear clips v. Sarah Coventry 1960sVintage ear clips v. Sarah Coventry 1960s